Let's take a closer look at some warehouse processes:
- Goods transfer helps to register the transfer of goods between company warehouses and business units. Large companies can take advantage of the Transfer order document that allows planning logistics. You can specify the dates of shipment from the warehouse and how the goods will be delivered to the warehouse (by a third-party organization or by your company). There is also a special workplace for you to track further registration of documents under the order.
- Inventory consumptions — Non-operational activities writes off materials for your company needs. The document can be issued both independently and based on the Inventory consumption order. This allows you to plan material consumptions.
Product kitting executes assembling the final product from components and disassembling the final product into components, including:
- Kitting when the components are written off from the warehouse and the finished kit is received.
- Reverse kitting when the kit is written off from the warehouse, and the components with the specified cost share are delivered to the warehouse.
Inventory count sheet compares actual warehouse balances with data in the application. Inventory count process includes generation of inventory count orders and separate registration of surpluses or shortages.
When you recalculate of goods in stock, you can reflect the actual and accounting quantity of goods, as well as deviations of the actual quantity from the accounting one.
Other receipt of goods allows you to register operations related to return of consignment goods (materials, overalls) and register operations of recording as received of finished products manufactured by third parties.
Batches and expiration dates
Batches are used when an additional dimension of warehouse accounting is required. For example, accounting by shelf life, serial numbers, and so on. You can use batches both for product accounting and for processing defects, returns, complaints, after-sales service, as well as for monitoring the expired products and reducing losses from their write-off.
The following types of batch accounting policies are available in the system: