Rise Business implementation for a chain of wine shops and restaurants

Discover how the Rise SA team has successfully implemented Rise Business for D-Wine, a Spanish-based network of restaurants and wine stores, and what challenges were solved along the way.

About the system

Rise Business is a game-changing Supply Chain Management solution with powerful WMS capabilities. It is well-suited for distributors, wholesalers, suppliers, and e-commerce companies. It offers everything from procurement to financial management and incorporates the best international practices. Rise Business will empower your warehouse and stock management, bring all stock balances from multiple sales channels into one system, and increase your sales and profitability. What’s more, it is intuitive and fully customizable to your specific industry and type of business, which you will see when you read our customer success story below.

About the customer

D-Wine, Spanish-based restaurants and wine stores, started as one restaurant with a small shop inside. In several years, its business experienced significant growth – from 5000 wine bottles in stock to 100,000 bottles. Also, the company opened two more restaurants and wine supermarkets.

Before Rise Business implementation, the company used several systems including QuickBooks and LightSpeed POS for management accounting. This led to mistakes and limited accounting analytics. So, the management team needed a unified business management system to incorporate all their processes and provide better planning and earning/costs analysis. Let’s take a look at their main challenges and how they overcame them using our system.

The main requirements included:

  • Implementation of advanced warehouse management. Basic warehouse management systems fell short in capturing all the required operations with inventory.
  • Intercompany sales. D-wine is a group of wine shops and restaurants that use the same stock, and sometimes one company needs to be able to sell another company’s goods.
  • Accounting for wine in the system. To sell wine to customers, you need to register it in the system first. However, there are some specifics you need to consider when registering it, which the system should reflect.
  • Tailor-made workplaces. To optimize productivity, the company workers required bespoke workstations to streamline and automate their tasks effectively.
  • Variety of business reports. For comprehensive business analysis, enabling informed decisions, and robust financial planning, the company needed to have real-time access to business data broken down by different dimensions.

1) Advanced warehouse management

When you have over 100,000 positions in stock, you need a more advanced warehouse to organize it. Fortunately, Rise Business allows you to create warehouses of any complexity. You can break warehouses into zones with different storage conditions, put-away goods into storage bins according to specified rules, and so on. For more warehouse management features, see here and here.

For D-wine, we registered a special warehouse divided into warehouse zones and storage bins, and enabled special documents to track movement of goods between warehouses and storage bins.

2) Intercompany sales

Another big issue was that several wine shops and restaurants use the same stock. The goods are purchased for one company, and sold from another one. It is necessary to keep records of goods by companies. However, it is impossible to distribute goods to legal entities in advance, as no one knows what exact company will sell a particular product. So, it is necessary to ship goods without paying attention to what company owns them and then transfer goods between companies retroactively. With the previous systems, it was impossible to account for such operations. Fortunately, in Rise Business, there is an intercompany functionality.

If you keep accounting of several companies, you can set up what companies are allowed to sell other goods and register transfers between companies at the end of the period to ensure accurate accounting.

3) Wine management

Of course, when it comes to wine, there are some specifics of keeping it in the system. Again, Rise Business can address this issue.

In the system, you can create additional attributes for the required item. For example, for wine, we added vintage, the % alcohol, region, bottle size, grapes, and other things.

Another great feature is a variety of UOM. You can set up individual packages for wine, special units to see in reports only, and set up weight, volume, area in relation to one piece of item you have in the system. So, the system will show us how much the order weights or how much space it takes in liters, just as a reference, or even in the document. For example, on the screenshot below, one set of bottles weights 8.5 kg and its volume is 6 liters.

4) Tailor-made workplaces

Although Rise Business feature are truly diverse, the great thing is the system is fully customizable to your specific business need. Every business is unique, and you might want to add new features. That’s exactly what we did for D-wine.

For example, we implemented the "Wine inventory management" workplace where for each item the company has in stock, we can see the exact storage location and warehouse, as well as the selling and purchase prices. You can use the workplace to add it to a new storage bin, change the quantity in the selected one, and move to another bin.

We also added the Purchase monitor, where we can see how much wine was purchased from a particular supplier, for a particular period, at what price, and so on.

Among other implemented workplaces are the Sommelier workplace and the Sales monitor.

5) Business reports

And the last, but not least, is a variety of business reports. There is a huge number of reports in every section, but to organize the info more effectively, we implemented the Enterprise status monitor. Here, the managers can analyze money fund on bank and cash accounts, sales by departments and item types, purchases and cost of stock, income and expenses, cash flow, settlements with suppliers, and loans and deposits, all in one place.

Implementation outcomes

After several months of research and experiments, the D-wine company got:

  • Accounting for several legal entities in one system with intercompany feature.
  • Simple and advanced warehouses in one system for flexible warehouse management.
  • Custom reports containing all business-related information required to make data-driven decisions.
  • The solution is customized to meet the specific needs of different departments within the company, such as sales, purchase, etc.
  • Reduced number of errors due to eliminated manual accounting labor.

So, that was a quick overview of Rise Business capabilities. Now you have a better understanding of how many features the system has and what complicated issues it can solve. Please feel free to contact us to find out more details, we are always ready to assist.

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