Rise Business implementation for UK based e-commerce leader*

*Confidential and may not be published. A customer’s name can be shared in one-on-one presentations.
The Rise SA team has successfully implemented Rise Business for a prominent UK-based e-commerce company. As the chosen partner for implementation, the Rise SA team has recently successfully completed the integration and implementation of all necessary solutions.

Before the Rise Business implementation, the company relied on the following systems used by 20 users throughout the country:
1. QuickBooks.
2. TradeGecko - an inventory management software integrated with order management.
3. Multiple customer-facing websites (sales channels) on WordPress and Bitrix platforms, including Amazon and Ebay.

Key bottlenecks

Before the Rise Business implementation, the main challenge was the extensive manual work required on the TradeGecko front and the lack of seamless integration between QuickBooks, TradeGecko, and other sales channels. With approximately 120 sales orders per day, each containing an average of 3 items, updating information across platforms and systems was a daunting task. As a result, the stock balance information was not up to date. This led to operational difficulties such as high costs for human resources, selling stock that was not available, and experiencing sales losses, fines, and penalties from Amazon due to inaccurate stock balance information on the customer's side.

Regarding user journey automation, the customer aimed to eliminate unnecessary user actions in the system to reduce employee costs for the company.

Project milestones

The objectives of the Rise Business implementation were:

1. Migrate from TradeGecko to Rise Business.
2. Centralize master data for SKU, Prices, and Stocks.
3. Automate Sales, Purchases, and Marketing.
4. Integrate an array of third party solutions - Amazon, Stripe, E-bay, ShipTheory, and Bitrix - with Rise Business.
5. Automate the user journey and eliminate unnecessary user steps. For example, stock replenishment based on sales.

Functional requirement analysis

Prior to the start of development, the Rise SA team dedicated time and effort to understand and document the challenges, requirements, business processes, and desired outcomes of the customers.

The outcome of this analysis was a comprehensive 65-page document. It provides a detailed description of the existing business and operational processes, as well as an exploration of the necessary development and integration using the Gap Analysis approach. The document also includes an extensive overview of the current business processes, desired processes, and subsystems that were to be incorporated into Rise Business.

The Rise Business implementation and integration project took 7 months.
Sep - Oct: Design phase
Nov - Jan: Development phase
Feb - March: Going live

Implementation challenges

The customer's migration of their websites to a new version of Bitrix and switch to a new inventory management solution caused a delay in the Going live stage.

Integration of Amazon and other third-party solutions had to be done from scratch. For this, various scheduled jobs had to be developed; subscriptions for various events were done.

The implementation of the Rise Business system involved integrating with the following third-party services:
  • Amazon.
  • Cartrover – an order aggregator from various marketplaces, such as Ebay and Wayfair.
  • Shiptheory – a service for delivery automation with DPD Local, Amazon Prime, Palletforce, and other.
  • Stripe for incoming payments receipt in Rise Business.
  • Bitrix e-commerce websites.
The order processing automation included delivery management and demand fulfillment management.
The development process included automating the entire order processing cycle with the following steps:

1. Sales orders are received from external sites, such as Amazon, Cartrover, and Bitrix.
2. Scheduled jobs check the stock availability in the warehouse and create delivery documents accordingly.
3. A warehouse manager sends out a Track ID (Label PDF) to Shiptheory and sets the shipping status.
4. After setting the status, another scheduled job sends the delivery date back to external websites (Amazon, Cartrover, and Bitrix).
5. Customers can track their orders.
If the Sales order and Customer invoice are created manually, a manager can generate a PayLink in Stripe. So, the payment event is checked, and payment data can be obtained. An incoming payment gets created.

Implementation outcomes

Amazon, E-bay, Cartrover, Stripe, Shiptheory, Wayfare, Woocommerce, Bitrix, and Wordpress were integrated in the Rise Business system.

The implementation of the Rise Business cloud system has resulted in the customer being able to access real-time on-hand order and stock data in one system. This has empowered them to significantly expand and grow their business without incurring high employee- and operation-related costs associated with manual stock keeping.

With a rapid growth of e-commerce sector and markets, we are excited to bring Rise Business to the global market by partnering up with organizations that offer cloud solutions that empower and transform businesses. We are enthusiastic about the opportunity to empower more e-commerce, service- and manufacturing companies around the world.

If you would like to learn more about the capabilities and milestones of the Rise SA team, please contact us to set up a meeting.
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