A Variety of Units of Measure in Rise Business

By Rise SA Team, March 1, 2024
Users frequently ask whether it is possible to keep accounting of items in Rise Business in multiple units of measure. By default, the system does not support accounting in various units of measure; each item is assigned a single storage unit. However, there are some features available to assist with certain accounting requirements.

Rise Business offers a diverse range of measurement units, including:
  • Stock UOMs
  • Report units
  • Metric units of measure
  • Packaging units
Let's dive into the capabilities of each of these units.


Any item has a stock UOM. This is a basic unit of measure in the system. All accumulation register records are generated in the stock UOM, and all the reports containing information about goods quantity are built in the stock UOM.


Report unit is a unit of measure you can use to analyze inventory balances in some system reports. In reports, you can display item quantities converted from stock UOMs to report units using a specified factor.
Note: Unlike all other units of measure, report units are not used in documents.
To enable report units, go to Master data and settingsMaster data and sectionsItemsUnits of measure and select the UOMs used in reports checkbox.
Here is what it looks like in the item card:
When you run reports in the system, you can display them In stock UOM or In units for reports:


In addition to the stock UOM, you can use metric characteristics of the item. They are assigned using a constant conversion factor.

You can use metric characteristics in documents (if the corresponding checkbox is enabled), as well as output data in reports.

Metric characteristics are specified in the item card:
If you select "You can specify quantity in the documents", metric characteristics become available in documents. For example, if Weight is selected, you can specify the quantity in documents both in the stock UOM and in weight units.

When posting the document, the system recalculates the number of metric units into the number of stock units according to the conversion factor specified in the item card. Metric units (kg, m, etc.) are converted into stock units in accordance with the allowable deviation specified in Master data and settingsMaster data and sectionsItemsUnits of measure.

Coffee is stored in bags (stock UOM), 1 bag weighs 60 kg (metric characteristic). If you specify 120 kg of Coffee in the document, the system will recalculate the amount into 2 bags. The deviation from the integer is 0. The system will post the document.

If you specify 105 kg in the document, the system will recalculate the amount to 1.75 bags. The nearest integer is 2 bags, the deviation is 0.25 bags or 15 kg. The maximum allowable deviation is calculated using the formula: quantity of goods * allowable deviation percentage (on the screenshot above - 3%). In our example, the maximum allowable deviation is 2*0.03=0.06 bags or 3.6 kg. The deviation in the document is greater than the maximum allowable deviation. The system will display a warning and will not post the document.


Packaging units are used for the convenience of specifying quantities of goods in documents. To enable packaging units, select the Item packaging units checkbox in Master data and settingsMaster data and sectionsItemsAccounting dimensions.
Items can have one of the following sets of packaging units:
  • Custom set of packaging units. Used only for a specific item and is only available from the item card.
  • Existing packaging group. Used for different items and is available from the Packaging units catalog.
Packaging units are alternative units of measure for items. They are also convertible to the stock UOMs. You can specify a packaging unit as a reporting unit.
You cannot analyze the quantity of goods in warehouses in packaging units unless a packaging unit is not set as a Report unit.

Packaging units are also used in bin location warehouses. Weight and size parameters identify whether it is possible to place the goods in a particular storage bin in the warehouse. You can also specify reusable packaging for packaging units in which the goods are delivered or shipped.
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