Rise SA always strives to be on the edge of technology and innovation, making our solutions user-friendly and suitable to our customers' specific needs and requirements.
During the past two months, our Dev Team has been busy with the Google Spreadsheet integration to enable import of a lot of information in a batch.
This document serves to illustrate the process of importing counterparties (suppliers and customers) into Rise Accounting. In this document the counterparty used will be suppliers but the process to import customers is the same.
Using Google spreadsheets, it is now able to import counterparties all at once rather than doing them one by one. This new functionality saves time and speeds up the onboarding process into the system.
You will learn the following from this user-guide:
Document Overview
Inputting Raw Data into Google Spreadsheet
Importing into the system
1. Accessing the importing tool
2. Authorizing Google spreadsheet
3. Mapping the spreadsheet with the system
3.1. Importing general supplier information
3.2. Importing general supplier addresses/contacts
4. Finding your supplier list
Here is
a video on how to import your customers or suppliers into Rise Accounting.
Please email us at
info@risebiz.co.za if you have any comments or suggestions.