1C:ERP WE implementation for BCG, a сhemical manufacturer

In January 2023, the Rise team successfully implemented the 1C:ERP WE system for a rapidly growing Turkish-based сhemical manufacturing company BCG, Big Chemistry Guys. The manufacturer specializes in producing professional car chemicals, cleaning detergents, and household chemicals. The company distributes and sells goods of its own production on the local (Turkish) and international market.
The previous system in use was unable to effectively manage the diverse and complex manufacturing processes of the company. As a result, the decision was made to migrate to 1C ERP WE, a robust and scalable system capable to meet both current and future needs of the company. Prior to the implementation, many tasks were carried out outside the system, leading to unnecessary actions and an increase in human errors and paperwork. Additionally, the lack of a Turkish interface meant that the company had difficulties explaining the system functionality to the employees who could not speak English, complicating operations.


The main objectives of the 1C:ERP WE implementation were:

  • Migrate to 1C:ERP WE and import master data (items, partners, prices, and so on).
  • Automate complex sales, purchasing, manufacturing, warehouse, and other processes.
  • Implement a number of customer-specific reports and print forms for the Turkish market.
  • Automate the user journey, reduce manual operations and paperwork.
  • Make the business processes transparent and manageable.
  • Decrease the number of human errors.
  • Train the company employees to use the system.

Implementation process

The 1C:ERP WE implementation and integration project took 10 months, and it's still ongoing as the company rapidly expands into the Turkish market and implementation of new processes is required. Currently, the system is used by 50 users throughout the country. The following modules were implemented: Planning, CRM, Sales, Purchasing, Warehouse management, Delivery management, Cash management, Fixed assets, and Financial result and controlling. Additionally, a variety of reports and print forms have been introduced to meet the specific needs of the staff, including a report for manufacturing workers to assess material availability for production and a tool for accountants to analyze expenditures by cash flow items and compare them with specified limits.

To cater to Turkish-specific requirements, a Turkish interface was introduced in September to enhance system usability for employees. They can also create master data, such as items, in multiple languages, enabling multinational teams to collaborate within the same system. Furthermore, integration with the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey has been established to ensure that all currency rates are sourced from this bank.

Product names in different languages
The development process included automating the entire production cycle with the following steps:

  1. Manufacturing workers check availability of materials required for production using a specially-tailored report.
  2. If there are enough materials, production orders are created.
  3. Operator generates production stages in a special workplace.
  4. Materials required for production are sent to the manufacturing site.
  5. Production stage print forms are printed out and provided to employees.
  6. Manufacturing workers produce the finished products and specify the actually consumed materials.
  7. Unconsumed materials and finished products are sent to the warehouse.
  8. Production stage and production order are completed.
Production process scheme
The Rise team also conducted comprehensive training sessions for company employees to familiarize them with the system's features. The trainings were conducted in both Russian and English, and a Turkish interpreter was engaged on the customer side.

Challenges during implementation

In terms of implementation, we initially set an ambitious timeline, planning to complete the first phase within two months.

This phase included critical elements, such as:
  • Master data migration
  • ERP setup
  • Integration with two Turkish banks: Vakif Katilim Bankasi A.S. and Emlak Katilim
  • User training
However, we encountered unforeseen delays. While master data migration and ERP setup progressed as planned,
user training was postponed three times due to extended staff hiring processes.

Another case was that initially, the system was hosted on our servers in South Africa and it worked nicely. However, as the workload grew, the production company faced a significant surge in users, doubling in just three months. Thanks to the remarkable support of 1C company and a Turkish team, we swiftly resolved all system-related issues and migrated to the local servers in Turkey.
Future plans

As we've already mentioned, the company is actively expanding into the Turkish market, purchasing new buildings and warehouses. These changes are giving rise to more complex demands to the system. In the near future, we intend to introduce advanced warehouse management which involves the separate creation of warehouse and financial documents, add batch tracking for the sale, purchase, and consumption of items, implement a document for testing samples received from suppliers, tailor the logistics to the customer needs, and improve operations with customer claims. It is likely that we will also need to implement Marketing, IFRS, and Budgeting in the near future.

To sum up, the next phase will focus on the followimg:

  • Enhancing delivery management processes for export operations, including vehicle planning and dispatching.
  • Improving communication between production, purchase, and sales departments regarding customer order status management and orders fulfillment.
"Our international company BCG, Big Chemistry Guys, started the Turkish project in 2023. We generally produce household chemicals, auto shampoo, auto cosmetics and professional cleaning products in our factory in Turkey. Our company is located in the European Free Zone, and we sell most of the products we produce in this factory abroad, to European countries, Asian countries and African countries.

When starting the project, we set very ambitious goals for ourselves. We turned an empty area from scratch into a factory capable of high volume and fast production. The rapid development and growth of our company in a short time has made the structure system a necessity in managing the company and establishing communication between units. In our system research, we focused on the 1C system.

We believe that 1C will meet all our current needs and will grow and develop with us in the future.
This is how our company grows. Internal company processes will also make internal company communication difficult. We are aware of this. This is exactly why we believe that an ERP system will respond to our new demands and requests in a timely and rapid manner as the company grows."

-Ilya Gorshunov, CEO

Implementation outcomes

In conclusion, our journey in implementing 1C:ERP WE has been marked by both challenges and triumphs. The system has enabled our customer to streamline a variety of business processes, increase data accuracy, and provide transparent and up-to-date information for management decision-making. This has empowered them to significantly enhance and grow their business.

With a rapid growth of global markets, we are excited to introduce 1C:ERP WE to a wider range of companies and guide them towards success. If you are interested in discovering the capabilities of the Rise team, reach out to us to schedule a meeting.
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